
Finding Peace in Troubled Times

Meditation Workshop

With Kadampa Teacher Neil

In-Person and Online

2nd April 2pm – 4.30pm

Cost £8        *Free for centre card holders

“The only way we can make ourself and others happy all the time is through practicing Buddha’s teachings. This is because happiness depends on a peaceful mind. Through practicing Buddha’s teachings we can develop and maintain a peaceful mind all the time; so that we will be happy all of the time; regardless of whether our external conditions are good or bad, if we maintain a peaceful mind all the time we will be happy all the time”

The Mirror of Dharma with Additions by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

In this workshop, we will discover methods to fulfill the two main wishes of all living beings, to be happy all of the time and to cease our experiences of suffering. Also how the troubled times and the happiest of times can both lead us along our path to liberation from suffering and to permanent happiness.


2pm – 3pm 1st session

3pm – 3.30pm break with drinks

3.30pm – 4.30pm 2nd session

If you wish to attend please fill out the registration form below.

In-person Registration Form

    Please select which class/workshop you wish to attend

    Please select how you will be attending the class

    How did you hear about us?

    Payment can be taken via PayPal or on the day at the door via cash payment.

    To book for online link to be sent immediately following the course please click the PayPal button below: