Increasing your lifespan, wisdom and good fortune.
During February, many Kadampa centers organise pujas, retreats, teachings and empowerments of Buddha Amitayus.
Amitayus is the Buddha of long life, merit and wisdom – the indispensable qualities needed to attain the happiness of full enlightenment. Drawing closer to Buddha Amitayus in retreat at the start of each year is considered very auspicious in paving the way to experience great spiritual progress throughout the year.
Our human life is our most precious possession because it gives us the opportunity to improve ourselves and attain the supreme happiness of enlightenment. We therefore need a long and healthy life. To engage successfully in spiritual practice we also need wisdom, as well as the merit or good fortune that gives our mind the strength to support the growth of inner realisations.
Through engaging in this special practice we can develop such qualities and eventually attain the supreme permanent peace of mind, enlightenment.
Everyone is welcome to join us in this very special retreat.
Session 1: 10 – 11am
Session 2: 11.45am – 12.45pm
Session 3: 2 – 3pm
FREE to Centre Card Holders
£4 per session/£10 for a full day (3 sessions)/£25 for the full retreat.