Taming Our Wild Side
4 Week Course
Week 1 (20 March) How we react when things go wrong.
Week 2 (27 March) Is anger helpful?
Week 3 (3 April) Becoming more tolerant.
Week 4 (10 April) Be a true hero.
Life rarely follows our master plan.
From small daily niggles to difficult events and situations, life has a habit of throwing us off course.
We often react with a mind that is out of control and find it hard to remain positive.
In this course, we will explore how we can learn to approach these difficulties in a more constructive, controlled way, enabling us to maintain a more peaceful, happy mind.
*This course is free for centre cardholders*
Booking in advance is not necessary.
To book online click the button below:
Morning classes £4:
Lunchtime classes £4:
Evening classes £6: