

With Kadampa Teacher Neil

Saturday 15th January

Online and in-person (limited in-person places please register beforehand)

Experiences of worry and anxiety can have such a devastating impact on our daily lives, our daily well-being, and our future experiences. It is often very difficult to feel at ease, at peace within ourselves, fully engaged in the here and now and situations can feel so overwhelming. Through combining Buddhist meditation with teachings from Buddha into our daily life, it can help to positively change our daily life experiences into experiencing a more peaceful and joyful life, with the ability to totally transform our life. In this workshop, we will discover those teachings from Buddha that can help so much with our experiences of anxiety and also start to introduce practical meditations that can help us deal with and eventually overcome these experiences of anxiety. This workshop is suitable for everyone.


1st session 10.00 – 11.00 am  

Break 11.00 – 11.30 am

2nd Session 11.30 am – 12.30pm

Cost £8      *Free for centre cardholders 

If you wish to attend this class in person, please read the Covid-19 Restriction Guidelines and fill out the registration form below.

Please note that spaces are limited due to the social distancing guidelines. Bookings will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

In-person Registration Form



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    Please select how you will be attending the class



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